Friending Change

change2Part of being alive and in the world means you can count on one thing: things are always changing. We look to creation and we agree, whichever paradigm we follow, that things are quite different today than they were 5,000 years ago, or even 10 years ago. Change is part of the evolutionary process and it’s a powerful driving force to our expansion as a world and as a Soul.

We see it in nature: spring follows winter, winter butterfliesfollows fall, summer follows spring, fall follows summer. The lilacs move from stick, to leaf, to gorgeous lavender pluffs and back again. The oaks, with no help from man, move gracefully through the cycle of growth, never bickering about losing its acorns or budding new leaves. Never feeling proud or sad in its current state. Just being.

And as individuals we know as certain as the waves crash onto the shore and retreat that change is inevitable, necessary, and good. But it doesn’t keep us from resisting it every time it gets our feet wet, makes us uncomfortable, or takes us to new scary lands we’ve never been before. It doesn’t keep us from complaining about this thing and that thing and The Donald. The media helps out on that because they make a business out of fear change5mongering and nothing like change to strum up the jitters in the collective.

On the other side, maybe we want change. We want something to happen so badly and it refuses. We’ve been setting our intentions, but nothing is happening. We want more money, more time, a better job, better health, somebody to publish the novels we’ve been working on the past 12 years (eh-hem), more intimacy, a partner, love. We say affirmations, we make vision boards, we pray, we will it to happen. Still, change gives us the cold shoulder. Why?

Maybe we are chasing change in the wrong lane on the wrong highway. Maybe the change change3we are seeking is not the change that is in our best interest. Sometimes we can’t see that. If we just allow ourselves to exit the highway, slow down and follow the unmarked road, all too often what we find is the change we’ve been wishing for is waiting for us there.

The most beautiful thing about change is its first cousins intuition and synchronicity. When you move from your head to your core and your heart, you tap into your most accurate GPS for keeping you on track for your life’s purpose. You move into the flow and you know when you’re there because synchronicities fire one after another. You see them in your dreams, in your conversations, in the things you read and hear. You gain new eyes to understand what change the Universe is calling you toward and it’s exhilarating.

Staying in this field is a joyful place to live. Heart wide open, listening for the cues. Following those, until and unless new change calls out. Feeling the fear and jumping in anyway. Leaning into the resistance blocks energy and positions our bodies for a whole slue of health issues that aren’t fun for anyone. Looking to the individual health problems will give insight into what is being resisted.

bethechangeInstead of resisting, make friends with change. Read its posts. It’ll friend you back.

About @jamieweil

I'm on an adventure to bring happiness, relaxation, and some shine to a stressed out world. You might call it a Divine mission. Covid Season 2020 has taught me some important lessons about myself and about you, but most importantly about US. I have written about those in a book called Shine: When Chasing Sacred Spaces Goes Dark, my 6th book which came out December 2020 and hit #1 Bestseller in 7 categories thanks to my readers. I teach an online class to empower empaths through writing and am holding my first writing retreat for empaths under the Full Flower Moon and Lunar Eclipse May 5-7, 2023 in mystical Mt. Shasta, California. We have sold our house, not bought another, and have set out on a synchronistic adventure with Kai, our 103 pound lab, at the center. We call it The Kainnection Adventure. Dogs are the equalizers of all. (Home base:
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4 Responses to Friending Change

  1. Janet says:

    Wow your post could not have come at a better time for me! My resistance to change is something I wrestle with often as I move through phases of my life. My adult children becoming parents me becoming a grandparent, talks of moving to a less expensive area when my husband retires. I like the your idea of “make a friend with change, it’ll friend me back”

    Liked by 1 person

    • jamieweilhealthcoach says:

      So many changes right now for you. Here’s what I know: I LOVE going through them with you❤️ Here’s to friending change, friend!


  2. Laurie S says:

    So timely, and such an inspiring post. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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