Love Your Body

feet1 (1)We are trained by Hollywood to think bodies should be a certain way. At the Getty Museum in LA, there is a magazine cover with Brittany Spears showing how she looked when the picture was taken. Written in black ink all around her sprawled out body are numerous comments that lay out what needed to be airbrushed before publication. It looks like the pen exploded on the page. Everything is marked–from highlights in her hair down the entire length of her body.

Why this emphasis on changing an already beautiful girl to some preconceived idea of perfection? Simply put, we buy the magazines. The media, in turn, thinks that’s what we want. Models get thinner because more people buy. It reflects the mass idea of what is attractive. Mannequins follow. And pretty soon, we have skinny Minnie Mouse and mannequins with super thin bodies and no faces. We can blame the media, the corporations, the Man, but they are just responding to their bottom line: what drives profit.

It’s a vicious cycle not to be solved in this blog entry. But there is an action item here for you.


That means your hammer toes, your too-small boobs, your too-big boobs, your too saggy butt, your teeth, your hair, etc. Your body works hard for you. It gets you from A to B. It lets you play, and move, and create. It deserves your respect and love. Give it love, not criticism.

Sometimes it’s easier to remember this when it breaks down. For example, if for some reason you can’t use your right hand suddenly you remember how much you depend on your right hand. You tell yourself you’ll never take it for granted again if it just gets better.

But when everything’s working, just like with our cars, we forget how truly miraculous we are. So let me remind you. You are unique. You are beautiful. Give yourself some Valentine’s Day love and treat that body like the beautiful body it is.

“Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” Buddha

About @jamieweil

I'm on an adventure to bring happiness, relaxation, and some shine to a stressed out world. You might call it a Divine mission. Covid Season 2020 has taught me some important lessons about myself and about you, but most importantly about US. I have written about those in a book called Shine: When Chasing Sacred Spaces Goes Dark, my 6th book which came out December 2020 and hit #1 Bestseller in 7 categories thanks to my readers. I teach an online class to empower empaths through writing and am holding my first writing retreat for empaths under the Full Flower Moon and Lunar Eclipse May 5-7, 2023 in mystical Mt. Shasta, California. We have sold our house, not bought another, and have set out on a synchronistic adventure with Kai, our 103 pound lab, at the center. We call it The Kainnection Adventure. Dogs are the equalizers of all. (Home base:
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8 Responses to Love Your Body

  1. kerrypeachey says:

    Awesome and thank you.

    Kerry Katherine Enright Articulate Integrity 415-260-0578 mobile

    Sent from my iPhone Please excuse typos…!


  2. Lois Sepahban says:

    I love this post, Jamie!!



  3. Sharkie Zartman says:

    This is awesome Jamie! Thanks for the reminder. Sharkie



  4. Professions for PEACE says:

    This is excellent Jamie! And I adore your concluding quote from Buddha ~ it is an incredible reminder… to treat ourselves with CARE. Love that! Thank you for another fantastic post! You always get me feeling inspired and that is deeply appreciated 😀 Love and Hugs, Gina


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